Welcome to the BYB Blog
Dealing With Neurodivergent Social Justice Sensitivity
My musings about what it’s like to deal with the social justice sensitivity that often comes with being neurodivergent when everyone’s well-being seems to hang in the balance more than ever due to political change.
Why Getting Diagnosed is Self-Care
For everyone out there who feels like getting diagnosed isn't worth all the hoops, this is for you.
Some Medical Vocab
Some common terms doctors use to describe differences in thinking, learning, and behavior.
Strengths and Challenges that Come with Neurodivergent Brains
A strengths-based overview of some common neurodivergent and mental health conditions.
My Neurodivergent Husband’s Brilliant Money Management Tips
My neurodivergent husband came up with this absolutely genius way to save money using what he calls the bucket system.
Mindfulness and Cognitive Flexibility Challenges
A deeper dive into challenges with mindfulness and cognitive flexibility.
Visual-Spatial and Motor Skills Challenges
A deeper dive into challenges with visual-spatial and motor skills.