My Neurodivergent Husband’s Brilliant Money Management Tips

Saving Money

It’s so simple it’s ridiculous, and it’s even more simple if you have your financial accounts in one place like Capital One.

It’s a two-step process.

  1. First, you make free separate savings account OR separate areas in a budgeting app for:

    Expected expenses like taxes, housing, utilities, education, and subscriptions

    Big goals like cars and houses

    Regular savings account

  2. Make automated, recurring transfers from your checking account to the different buckets for whatever amount is appropriate for you at this time based on your budget (see below). It’s magical because if you don’t see it, you don’t miss it.

Budgeting Steps

  1. Program an automated transaction category tool to calculate what you spent on how much on what. You can use either your bank’s platform or an app where you connect your bank account.

  2. Every month (some apps give you a report with this information):

    a. Add the categories up.

    b. Subtract it from your income and normal expected expenses. That’s your remainder for the month.

    c. Choose a category where you’re spending more than you’d like based on the remainder.

    d. Look at how much you spent in each category and make a specific goal for that category that you’ll review next month


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