Visual-Spatial and Motor Skills Challenges
What are some challenges?
Completing activities that require hand-eye coordination.
Difficulties with visual-spatial processing: Receiving and automatically understanding visual information from the environment.
Difficulties with visual tracking: Maintaining focus on a moving object and switching focus between moving objects.
Difficulties with space perception.
Difficulties using facial expressions to label emotions.
What does this look like?
Delayed motor milestones.
Challenges tying shoelaces, riding a bike, and participating in sports.
Challenges with handwriting letters and numbers
Challenges focusing on one line when reading.
Trouble typing printed information.
Challenges understanding complex visual information (charts, maps)
Challenges understanding where you are relative to other people and objects.
Challenges understanding depth and distance (makes driving difficult).
Possible diagnoses:
Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)
Nonverbal Learning Disability (NVLD/NLD)
Dysgraphia (#4 only)
Dyslexia (#4-5 only)
Dyscalculia (#8 only)
Possible interventions
Physical therapy
Occupational therapy
Work/school accommodations
Click on these links for references on interventions and conditions.