
A List of Funny Procrastination Words

Over the years, I’ve heard a lot of hilarious words for the different ways neurodivergent people find themselves procrastinating. I don’t know why, but putting “procrasti” in front of something I tend to do when I’m bored helps me be a little less hard on myself. Not all of them are unhealthy. Some you actually do have to do anyway. And others are important forms of self-care when done in moderation. So, for your delight, here is a list of the ten I commonly hear about (OK - I didn’t actually hear someone put “procrasti” in front of some of these). I’m definitely guilty of quite a few.

  1. Procrasti-helping

  2. Procasti-cleaning

  3. Procrasti-organizing

  4. Procrasti-talking

  5. Procrasti-shopping

  6. Procrasti-eating

  7. Procrasti-sleeping

  8. Procrasti-gaming

  9. Procrasti-baking

  10. Procrasti-crafting

Now, I have to stop procrasti-writing and finish getting ready for the TSSUS Conference.



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